first steps with rasmus

Posted on July 31, 2018

Having the first parts of rasmus in motion, I started my first tests. There is no user management yet and the frontend is somehow static. So the first inserts will be made via curl.

%3 curl curl web client router router managing http routes curl->router POST request inbound inbound add entities into the transfer table router->inbound validation transfer transfer database gatekeeper inbound->transfer insert into database socket websocket client connection socket->router backchannel counter counter Postgres notification listener transfer->counter send a receipt manager manager executes a database manager counter->manager executes the manager graph_elixir graph entity manager counter->graph_elixir load the result from transfer manager->counter gets the result graph_elixir->socket update the client

The backchannel isn’t in place yet.

Currently you can see the result in the rasmus log. Let’s demonstrate this workflow with an example.


At first a user must be inserted into the database.


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST $API_URL -d @- <<BODY
  "action": "add",
   "entity": "user",
   "data": {
     "first_name": "Jan Frederik",
     "last_name": "Hake",
     "email_address": "",
     "login": "jan_hake"

The router make some simple checks on the posted json data.

post "/api" do
    with {:ok, action} <- get_action_from(conn.body_params),
         {:ok, entity}  <- get_entity_from(conn.body_params),
         {:ok, data } <- get_data_from(conn.body_params)
    do"Got #{action} for #{entity} with #{inspect(data)}")


      |> send_resp(200, get_succeeded_response())
      {:error, message} ->
        Logger.warn("Got malformed request: #{message}")

        |> send_resp(422, get_error_response(message))

Only the actions in

@actions ["add","update","get","delete"]

will be valid actions.

defp get_action_from(%{ "action" =>  action } = _body_params) do
    case Enum.member?(@actions, action) do
      true -> {:ok, action }
      _ -> { :error, "Action '#{action}' is not valid. Valid actions are #{get_quoted(@actions)}"}

defp get_action_from(_body_params), do: { :error, "action is missing. Valid actions are #{get_quoted(@actions)}" }

Otherwise you get into the error path.

The similar things will be checked for valid entities.

@entities ["user","privilege","role","link","appointment","list","graph"]

defp get_entity_from(%{ "entity" => entity } = _body_params) do
  case Enum.member?(@entities, entity) do
    true -> {:ok, entity }
    _ -> { :error, "Entity '#{entity}' is not valid. Valid entities are #{get_quoted(@entities)}" }

defp get_entity_from(_body_params), do: { :error, "entity is missing. Valid entities are #{get_quoted(@entities)}" }

A helper function will make some pretty stuff with the error message.

# get_quoted(["a","b"]) -> 'a', 'b'
defp get_quoted(strings) do
  |> -> "\'#{x}\'" end)
  |> Enum.join(", ")

If everything has worked as expected,


will add the entity into the database.


The inbound GenServer has the task, to insert entities into the database.

def handle_cast({:add, payload}, state) do
  case Postgrex.query(state, "INSERT INTO rasmus.transfer (request) VALUES ($1)", [payload]) do
    {:ok, result} -> Logger.debug("added into transfer: #{inspect(result)}")
    {:error, error} -> Logger.error("adding into transfer failed: #{inspect(error)}. Tried to add #{inspect(payload)}")
  {:noreply, state }

The client function

def add(entity) do
  GenServer.cast(:inbound_worker, {:add, entity})

is called from the router.


The transfer table it self is quiet simple

CREATE TABLE transfer(
    id UUID NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
    state transfer_state NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pending',
    request JSONB NOT NULL,
    response JSONB

When a request is inserted, a notification will be send to the backend.

CREATE FUNCTION send_message(id UUID, state transfer_state, request JSONB, response JSONB) RETURNS VOID AS $$
    message_response JSONB;
    message_response := '[]' || (
        jsonb_build_object('id', id) ||
        jsonb_build_object('state', state) ||
        jsonb_build_object('action', request->>'action') ||
        jsonb_build_object('entity', request->>'entity')

    PERFORM pg_notify('rasmus', message_response->>0);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE FUNCTION send_transfer_message() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
    PERFORM rasmus.send_message(, NEW.state, NEW.request, NEW.response);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER send_receipt_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON transfer
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE send_transfer_message();

At this point, it does not happen very much. This approach will reduce the inbound message queue from the inbound GenServer. Inserting a request should be as fast as possible.


The counter listens to Postgres notifications,

def handle_info({:notification, pid, ref, "rasmus", payload},_) do
    case Jason.decode(payload) do

      {:ok , %{ "id" => id, "state" => "pending", }} -> Core.Manager.perform(id)

      # ...

      _ -> Logger.warn("got unhandled notification: #{inspect(payload)}")
    {:noreply, {pid, ref}}

and calls the corresponding manager within the database.


The manager performs the CRUD tasks for every entity.

As you can see in the shortened version,

def handle_cast(transfer_id, state) do
  case Postgrex.query(state, "SELECT rasmus.transfer_manager($1)", [transfer_id]) do
    {:ok, %{messages: messages}} ->
      if Enum.any?(messages, fn(x) -> x.severity == "WARNING" end) do
        set_succeeded_with_warning_state(state, transfer_id)

    {:error, %{postgres: %{code: :raise_exception, severity: "ERROR", message: message, hint: hint}}} ->
      set_error_state(state, transfer_id)
    # ...
  {:noreply, state }

the state will be updated, after the manager succeeded or failed.

defp set_state(state, transfer_id, sql_function_name, state_name) do
  case Postgrex.query(state, "SELECT rasmus.#{sql_function_name}($1)", [transfer_id]) do
    {:ok, _} -> Logger.debug("set state '#{state_name}' for #{transfer_id} succeeded")
    _ -> Logger.error("set state '#{state_name}' for #{transfer_id} failed")

defp set_error_state(state, transfer_id), do: set_state(state, transfer_id, "set_error", "error")
defp set_succeeded_state(state, transfer_id), do: set_state(state, transfer_id, "set_succeeded", "succeeded")
defp set_succeeded_with_warning_state(state, transfer_id), do: set_state(state, transfer_id, "set_succeeded_with_warning", "succeeded_with_warning")

The Postgres function transfer_manager itself looks for the correct manager, and does some checks.

CREATE FUNCTION transfer_manager(transfer_id TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$
    transfer_record RECORD;
    transfer_response JSONB;
   SELECT id, state, request, response FROM rasmus.transfer WHERE id = transfer_id::UUID INTO transfer_record;

   CASE transfer_record.request->>'entity'
       -- ... 
       WHEN 'user' THEN
               SELECT rasmus.user_manager(transfer_record.request) INTO transfer_response;
               PERFORM rasmus.set_response(transfer_id::UUID, transfer_response);
       -- ...
               RAISE EXCEPTION 'entity `%` unknown', transfer_record.request->>'entity'
                   USING HINT = 'entity must one of link, graph, appointment, list, person, role, privilege or user';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

It also puts the result into the response column. If you are interested, what is happening within the rasmus.user_manager you can take a look at the sources for the user_manager.

When the state changes,

CREATE TRIGGER got_response_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON transfer
EXECUTE PROCEDURE send_transfer_message();

the counter is informed, that a request is ready for processing.

def handle_info({:notification, pid, ref, "rasmus", payload},_) do
  case Jason.decode(payload) do
   # ... 

   {:ok , %{ "id" => id, "state" => state, "entity" => entity, "action" => action }} ->"got a request change with state '#{state}' for action '#{action}' and entity '#{entity}' #{id}. ToDo: send message to processes using this entity.")

   # ...

  _ -> Logger.warn("got unhandled notification: #{inspect(payload)}")
  {:noreply, {pid, ref}}

At this point, the UI can be informed about an entity change. On a single user system the entity is send back to the client, and the view will be updated. On a multi user system, multiple clients can be updated as well. In the case of rasmus, multiple users can work on the same graph at the same time.


As mentioned before, I added a user to the system. Now let’s take a look at a previous example.

This graph is described with graphviz code.

graph {
  otp [label = "*OTP tree*\nprocess configuration", url = ""];
  router [label ="*router*\ncowboy router", url=""]
  counter [label = "*counter*\nlisten to notifications\nfrom database", url = ""]
  inbound [label = "*inbound*\nsend requests towards\nthe database", url = ""]
  manager [label = "*manager*\nexecute the\ndatabase manager", url = ""]
  client [label = "*client*\nreact / visjs app", url = ""]
  configuration [label = "*configuration*\ndatabase configuration", url = ""]
  database [label = "*PostgreSQL*", url =""]
  transfer [label = "*transfer*\ninterface table", url = ""]
  postcreate [label = "*postcreate*\ntable manipulation\nafter DDL", url = ""]
  crud [label = "*CRUD*\ngeneric CREATE, READ\nUPDATE, DELETE\nfunctions", url = ""]
  otp -- router [ label = "supervises"]
  otp -- counter [ label = "supervises"]
  otp -- inbound [ label = "supervises"]
  otp -- manager [ label = "supervises"]
  counter -- manager [ label = "executes the\nmanager"]
  counter -- database [ label ="listens for\ndatabase notifications"]
  router -- client [label = "serves"]
  inbound -- transfer [label = "insert request"]
  database -- transfer 
  database -- postcreate
  database -- configuration
  database -- crud

Due to there is no frontend, let’s make some curl stuff.

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST $API_URL -d @- <<BODY
  "action": "add",
   "entity": "user",
   "data": {
     "first_name": "Jan Frederik",
     "last_name": "Hake",
     "email_address": "",
     "login": "jan_hake"

Log entries:

14:35:11.041 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:35:11.056 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for user with %{"email_address" => "", "first_name" => "Jan Frederik", "last_name" => "Hake", "login" => "jan_hake"}
14:35:11.058 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 17ms
14:35:11.063 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 87e8bed2-72ad-44aa-9dfe-ff7e69883df1
14:35:11.067 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 4528, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:35:11.110 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 87e8bed2-72ad-44aa-9dfe-ff7e69883df1 succeeded
14:35:11.110 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeeded:  %{notice: ["crypted password: $2a$06$g6YczlE0qjE6dZbLNn4tLewaL80Bx5Pms/IONU8kblzNTQjFTU1zO", "salt: $2a$06$g6YczlE0qjE6dZbLNn4tLe", "blank password: $2a$06$Nbp0YIoQkPykTQMmVdgWbO", "INSERT INTO rasmus.user (email_address, login, last_name, first_name) VALUES ('', 'jan_hake', 'Hake', 'Jan Frederik') RETURNING id;"]}
14:35:11.110 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"87e8bed2-72ad-44aa-9dfe-ff7e69883df1\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"user\"}"

(hint: the stuff with the password won’t stay this way. it is just some dummy stuff.)

The user is currently necessary for the owner association. The user_id must be stored for the the next calls.

USER_ID=`psql -U postgres -d rasmus -c "select id from rasmus.user" | sed -e '1,2d' -e '4,5d' -e 's/^ //'`

Now we take the user and add some links.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST $API_URL -d @- <<BODY
  "action": "add",
    "entity": "link",
    "data": {
      "id_owner": "$USER_ID",
      "name": "otp tree",
      "description": "process configuration",
      "url": ""

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST $API_URL -d @- <<BODY
  "action": "add",
    "entity": "link",
    "data": {
      "id_owner": "$USER_ID",
      "name": "router",
      "description": "cowboy router",
      "url": ""


The link is stored into the database.

    id UUID NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
    description VARCHAR(254),
    url VARCHAR(2048),
    json_view JSONB

The json_view column is populated, when it is needed for the first time. All necessary functions can be found in the database script.

Log entries:

14:38:28.319 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.319 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "process configuration", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "otp tree", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.319 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 487µs
14:38:28.324 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.324 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: e2fe6b9c-18ec-436d-97a1-2153243c90fb
14:38:28.331 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.332 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "cowboy router", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "router", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.332 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 462µs
14:38:28.334 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.340 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.340 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "listen to notifications\nfrom database", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "counter", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.340 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 292µs
14:38:28.340 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for e2fe6b9c-18ec-436d-97a1-2153243c90fb succeeded
14:38:28.341 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'otp tree', 'process configuration', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.341 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 44c832eb-b034-4e4f-884c-4d20c3da6fa1
14:38:28.341 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"e2fe6b9c-18ec-436d-97a1-2153243c90fb\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.342 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.346 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.346 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "send requests towards\nthe database", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "inbound", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.346 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 220µs
14:38:28.347 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.350 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 44c832eb-b034-4e4f-884c-4d20c3da6fa1 succeeded
14:38:28.350 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'router', 'cowboy router', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.350 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 1812a173-715c-4d7f-9983-29706dc5174b
14:38:28.350 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"44c832eb-b034-4e4f-884c-4d20c3da6fa1\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.350 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.350 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "execute the\ndatabase manager", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "manager", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.350 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 175µs
14:38:28.352 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.354 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.354 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "react / visjs app", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "client", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.354 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 223µs
14:38:28.359 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.359 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "database configuration", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "configuration", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.359 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 157µs
14:38:28.360 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.361 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 1812a173-715c-4d7f-9983-29706dc5174b succeeded
14:38:28.361 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'counter', 'listen to notifications\nfrom database', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.361 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 00039c03-2b12-42ee-b0ee-4f3251eba820
14:38:28.361 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"1812a173-715c-4d7f-9983-29706dc5174b\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.362 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.363 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.363 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "database", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.363 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 163µs
14:38:28.365 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.367 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.367 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "interface table", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "transfer", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.367 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 157µs
14:38:28.368 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.369 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 00039c03-2b12-42ee-b0ee-4f3251eba820 succeeded
14:38:28.369 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'inbound', 'send requests towards\nthe database', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.369 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 488b40d5-e364-413b-b796-5706533b36ed
14:38:28.369 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"00039c03-2b12-42ee-b0ee-4f3251eba820\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.371 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.371 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "table manipulation\nafter DDL", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "postcreate", "url" => ""}
14:38:28.371 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 138µs
14:38:28.372 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.374 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:38:28.374 module=Web.Router [info] Got add for link with %{"description" => "generic CREATE, READ\nUPDATE, DELETE\nfunctions", "id_owner" => "fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76", "name" => "crud", "url" => "https: //"}
14:38:28.374 module=Plug.Logger [info] Sent 200 in 210µs
14:38:28.376 module=Core.Inbound [debug] added into transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :insert, connection_id: 5768, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: nil}
14:38:28.377 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 488b40d5-e364-413b-b796-5706533b36ed succeeded
14:38:28.377 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'manager', 'execute the\ndatabase manager', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.377 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 912e14df-ee7c-45c0-898a-895c98d1a36a
14:38:28.377 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"488b40d5-e364-413b-b796-5706533b36ed\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.381 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 912e14df-ee7c-45c0-898a-895c98d1a36a succeeded
14:38:28.381 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'client', 'react / visjs app', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.381 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: a3492a80-4289-46bd-bfc2-9b880af42517
14:38:28.381 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"912e14df-ee7c-45c0-898a-895c98d1a36a\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.388 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for a3492a80-4289-46bd-bfc2-9b880af42517 succeeded
14:38:28.388 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'configuration', 'database configuration', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.388 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 1aac3309-39f0-4f4a-b92f-a89e8a49e6ba
14:38:28.388 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"a3492a80-4289-46bd-bfc2-9b880af42517\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.392 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 1aac3309-39f0-4f4a-b92f-a89e8a49e6ba succeeded
14:38:28.392 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'database', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.392 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 9feb5f68-9f97-4351-b324-7b8d8436a94f
14:38:28.392 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"1aac3309-39f0-4f4a-b92f-a89e8a49e6ba\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.396 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 9feb5f68-9f97-4351-b324-7b8d8436a94f succeeded
14:38:28.396 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'transfer', 'interface table', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.396 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 965ff0e8-43ae-4b7d-b76e-a55bcd721058
14:38:28.396 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"9feb5f68-9f97-4351-b324-7b8d8436a94f\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.399 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 965ff0e8-43ae-4b7d-b76e-a55bcd721058 succeeded
14:38:28.400 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('', 'postcreate', 'table manipulation\nafter DDL', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.400 module=Core.Manager [info] perform transfer_manager for transfer id: 161771a3-e153-44bf-89bf-42f7b5b2cd53
14:38:28.400 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"965ff0e8-43ae-4b7d-b76e-a55bcd721058\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"
14:38:28.406 module=Core.Manager [debug] set state 'succeeded' for 161771a3-e153-44bf-89bf-42f7b5b2cd53 succeeded
14:38:28.406 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["INSERT INTO (url, name, description, id_owner) VALUES ('https: //', 'crud', 'generic CREATE, READ\nUPDATE, DELETE\nfunctions', 'fed1e016-0730-4d04-b6cd-bdd8da676e76') RETURNING id;"]}
14:38:28.406 module=Core.Counter [warn] got unhandled notification: "{\"id\": \"161771a3-e153-44bf-89bf-42f7b5b2cd53\", \"state\": \"succeeded\", \"action\": \"add\", \"entity\": \"link\"}"

As you can see, the inbound tasks are very quick. A manager task can take a while and it will report to the counter, when it is ready.

After all links are inserted you can post a get request, to get the graph.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"action" : "get", "entity":"graph", "data" : { "id_owner":"'"$USER_ID"'"  }}' $API_URL

The request is inserted into the transfer table and the counter will call the corresponding manager for the graph.

The result of

CREATE FUNCTION get_graph_for(raw_request JSONB) RETURNS JSONB AS $$
  import json

  request = json.loads(raw_request)

  link_request = json.dumps({
    "entity" : "link",
    "action" : "get",
    "data" : {
      "id_owner" : request["data"]["id_owner"]

  links = json.loads(plpy.execute(plpy.prepare(
      "SELECT rasmus.link_get_manager($1)",["jsonb"]), [link_request])[0]["link_get_manager"])

  response = {
    "owner" : request["data"]["id_owner"],
    "nodes" : links

  return json.dumps(response)

$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u

will be inserted into the response column and the counter is informed, that the graph request is ready for processing.

def handle_info({:notification, pid, ref, "rasmus", payload},_) do
  case Jason.decode(payload) do
    # ...

    {:ok , %{ "id" => id, "state" => state, "entity" => "graph", "action" => "get" }} ->"got a 'get' request for a graph")
    # ...

    _ -> Logger.warn("got unhandled notification: #{inspect(payload)}")
  {:noreply, {pid, ref}}

The Core.Entity.Graph.get/1 function

def handle_cast({:get, transfer_id}, state) do
  case Postgrex.query(state, "SELECT response FROM  rasmus.transfer WHERE id = $1", [UUID.string_to_binary!(transfer_id)]) do
    {:ok, result} -> Logger.debug("got response from transfer: #{inspect(result)}")
    {:error, error} -> Logger.error("getting response from transfer failed: #{inspect(error)}. Tried to get #{inspect(transfer_id)}")
  {:noreply, state }

# ...

def get(transfer_id) do
  GenServer.cast(:graph, {:get, transfer_id})

puts the result into the rasmus log.

Log entries:


14:44:28.126 module=Plug.Logger [info] POST /api
14:44:28.126 module=Web.Router [info] Got get for graph with %{"id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38"}
14:44:28.156 module=Core.Counter [info] got a 'get' request for a graph
14:44:28.157 module=Core.Manager [debug] manager succeded:  %{notice: ["dirty or empty ids for link: []", "SELECT id, json_view FROM WHERE id_owner = '376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38'", "update json_view for link 98b83cb9-5273-424f-bbd9-cd0d1b006014", "update json_view for link 606f21fa-879f-4dda-a710-31e436046d09", "update json_view for link fcea53b3-81bf-419b-8443-5944fb674c46", "update json_view for link aadd3610-c71d-48c2-983a-1c74f8ff4dd0", "update json_view for link cde93d44-1324-476d-b7ba-1b8a737ef90a", "update json_view for link 71cda2ab-4116-49f9-9dfc-3b08a3462260", "update json_view for link 890b3947-bd9e-4506-8ca5-ded220503f00", "update json_view for link 0c31d9dd-8d39-4536-85b7-0048c58dd872", "update json_view for link 8c8bbb39-7047-4260-95c4-20c0eed6c69b", "update json_view for link 78a2b625-9116-4e8d-8bf7-b3124d105d73", "update json_view for link 8c99ce4a-cea4-42e5-a991-17b2c34fa8e8", "dirty or empty ids for link: [{\"id\": \"8c99ce4a-cea4-42e5-a991-17b2c34fa8e8\"}, {\"id\": \"78a2b625-9116-4e8d-8bf7-b3124d105d73\"}, {\"id\": \"8c8bbb39-7047-4260-95c4-20c0eed6c69b\"}, {\"id\": \"0c31d9dd-8d39-4536-85b7-0048c58dd872\"}, {\"id\": \"890b3947-bd9e-4506-8ca5-ded220503f00\"}, {\"id\": \"71cda2ab-4116-49f9-9dfc-3b08a3462260\"}, {\"id\": \"cde93d44-1324-476d-b7ba-1b8a737ef90a\"}, {\"id\": \"aadd3610-c71d-48c2-983a-1c74f8ff4dd0\"}, {\"id\": \"fcea53b3-81bf-419b-8443-5944fb674c46\"}, {\"id\": \"606f21fa-879f-4dda-a710-31e436046d09\"}, {\"id\": \"98b83cb9-5273-424f-bbd9-cd0d1b006014\"}]", "SELECT id, json_view FROM WHERE id_owner = '376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38'"]}
14:44:28.160 module=Core.Entity.Graph [debug] got response from transfer: %Postgrex.Result{columns: ["response"], command: :select, connection_id: 7981, messages: [], num_rows: 1, rows: [[%{"nodes" => [%{"description" => "process configuration", "entity" => "link", "id" => "8c99ce4a-cea4-42e5-a991-17b2c34fa8e8", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "otp tree", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => "cowboy router", "entity" => "link", "id" => "78a2b625-9116-4e8d-8bf7-b3124d105d73", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "router", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => "listen to notifications\nfrom database", "entity" => "link", "id" => "8c8bbb39-7047-4260-95c4-20c0eed6c69b", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "counter", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => "send requests towards\nthe database", "entity" => "link", "id" => "0c31d9dd-8d39-4536-85b7-0048c58dd872", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "inbound", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => "execute the\ndatabase manager", "entity" => "link", "id" => "890b3947-bd9e-4506-8ca5-ded220503f00", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "manager", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => "react / visjs app", "entity" => "link", "id" => "71cda2ab-4116-49f9-9dfc-3b08a3462260", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "client", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => "database configuration", "entity" => "link", "id" => "cde93d44-1324-476d-b7ba-1b8a737ef90a", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "configuration", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => nil, "entity" => "link", "id" => "aadd3610-c71d-48c2-983a-1c74f8ff4dd0", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "database", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => "interface table", "entity" => "link", "id" => "fcea53b3-81bf-419b-8443-5944fb674c46", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "transfer", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => "table manipulation\nafter DDL", "entity" => "link", "id" => "606f21fa-879f-4dda-a710-31e436046d09", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "postcreate", "url" => ""}, %{"description" => "generic CREATE, READ\nUPDATE, DELETE\nfunctions", "entity" => "link", "id" => "98b83cb9-5273-424f-bbd9-cd0d1b006014", "id_owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38", "is_dirty" => false, "name" => "crud", "url" => "https: //"}], "owner" => "376d0e62-2438-455a-ada6-b1a188274f38"}]]}

(hint: I reseeded the database to get a cleaner log for the link inserts. the ids won’t match with the other log example)

(hint: at the time of writing, the edges are not part of the response.)

next steps

So far so good.

Currently, I am working on the adjacency lists for rasmus. You can take a look into the database scripts for the graph itself, but it is still kind of raw.